Long Beach Grows advocates for just and equitable food access that includes food security through urban agriculture. We have been a member of Catalyst Long Beach Network of Communities since the beginning of 2010.
LBGROWS' mission is to promote green, healthy, environmentally sustainable urban agriculture in Long Beach, CA, and other activities that educate, enhance, and grow our communities by ensuring and safeguarding local food security.
Our vision is a city that feeds itself. Long Beach is far from this. Quality real food is accessible primarily to the wealthy. This has to change.
We advocate for systemic change, change in policy so people can grow their own food at home including eggs and milk, and change in the community garden paradigm to shift from the I to the we cooperate mindset. The city as a whole needs more cooperation from city and private owners of vacant land so it can be put to good use producing quality food.
For two years, our farm co-op Unity Farm was the first community garden of its kind in Long Beach, where we grow food together on shared land for a shared harvest. We teach people how to achieve personal food security, providing the education and hands-on opportunities for people to grow their own.
Because the Unitarian Universalist Church of Long Beach has decided they want to use the land we were on for their own purposes (a parking lot), we are currently looking for a new location within Long Beach to relocate our community farm co-op. If you know any property owner who will support our mission and vision by allowing us to use their land, please put them in touch with us. (562-912-3364; info@longbeachgrows.org)
Long Beach Grows also offers the largest heirloom, GMO-free seed library in LA county. Although we don't have a brick-and-mortar location to make it available 24-7, we will try to make it available to the public as often as possible.
Please become a Sustaining Member or a Supporting Member by contributing to the cause so that we can continue working towards food security, food justice, food freedom, and urban agriculture in Long Beach.